an Den Hul The White Beauty Special-X HO
an Den Hul The White Beauty Special-X HO

VAN DEN HUL The White Beauty Special-X HO

Van Den Hul The White Beauty Special-X HO. MC Cartridge.

Discontinued product.

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As is standard in the van den Hul designs, in tune with the progress made both in the internal structure of the mobile coil capsules and in the circuit topologies of the phono preamplifiers or the phono sections of many High End electronics, Also The White Beauty Special-X has its version with high output: The White Beauty Special-X HO (acronym of "High Output"). The key is a configuration that combines mobile coils with monocrystalline copper windings mounted on a reinforced armature and a high power magnetic motor that allows to preserve the harmonic and ambient information while offering an exceptional dynamic and a spectacular separation between channels. Undoubtedly, we are faced with one of the most sophisticated and musical high-end mobile coil capsules in the music market.

Technical characteristics

  • Reference cartridge, low output and exceptional quality / price ratio manufactured by hand on request.
  • Design of mobile coil (MC) with copper single-crystal windings.
  • Magnetic structure reinforced with cross-arrangement of the moving coils.
  • Open construction free of resonances.
  • Polycarbonate body.
  • Output of 2'25 mV RMS.
  • Available in version with 2 or 4 fixing holes.
  • Type 1S Needle van den Hul.
  • Frequency response of 5-65,000 Hz.
  • Channel imbalance less than 0.5 dB.
  • Internal resistance of 96 ohms.
  • Load impedance of 47 kohm.
  • Supporting force between 1'2 and 1.4 grams.
  •  Weight: 8.5 g.